Current Affairs

Global Report on Internal Displacement 2024

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Global Report on Internal Displacement:

– It is annual report published by the Geneva-based Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC).

– It records internal displacements due to conflict, violence and disasters.

• Internally displaced people are those who have been forced to flee their homes as a result of conflict, violence, or disasters and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border.

• This figure continues to rise as more people flee each year, adding to the numbers of those who have been living in displacement for years or even decades and have not yet achieved a durable solution.

Highlights of GRID-2024:

• In 2023, the number of internally displaced people (IDP) increased to 75.9 million, from 71.1 million in the preceding year.

• Report says 7.7 million displaced by disasters (one-fourth of it was caused by earthquakes) and 68.3 million by conflict and violence.

Sudan, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Colombia, and Yemen host nearly half of the world’s IDPs.

• At 1 million, Sudan has the highest number of IDPs recorded for a single country. 

• Most of the new displacement this year happened in Sudan, the Palestinian territories, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, accounting for almost two-thirds of all new displacement.

South Asia:

• The IDMC said around 3 million people were living in internal displacement as a result of conflict and violence across South Asia at
the end of 2023, 80 percent of whom were in Afghanistan. 

Conflict and violence triggered 69,000 displacements in South Asia in 2023, with Manipur violence alone accounting for 67,000. 

• It is the highest number of displacements triggered by conflict and violence in India since 2018. 

• There is a sharp decline in IDP in 2023 from 2.5 million internal displacements due to natural disasters in India in 2022. Internal displacements by natural disasters in 2023 was 528,000.

Global Report on Internal Displacement 2024 (UPSC)
