Daily Answer Writing-Medical Science

from 3rd February 2025


> Each day 40M questions that can be 20M/15M/10M/5M or a combination of all will be asked at 8 am.

> Questions will be based on the latest UPSC trend/analyzing the last 10 years PYQs/high yielding probable topics for 2025 mains will be asked.

> Detailed evaluation with feedback within 48 hours.

> Focus will be more on structuring and formatting of answers within a limited time and space context.

> 6 days a week schedule.

> Best answer copy (if any) will be shared for mutual learning.


> DAY 1-5: Anatomy

•Day 1: Applied Anatomy: Blood and nerve supply of upper and lower limbs, joints of shoulder, hip, and knee.

•Day 2: Gross Anatomy: Blood supply and lymphatic drainage of the tongue, thyroid, mammary gland, stomach, liver, prostate, gonads, and uterus.

•Day 3: Applied Anatomy: Diaphragm, perineum, and inguinal region.

Clinical Anatomy: Kidney, urinary bladder, uterine tubes, vas deferens.

•Day 4: Central and Peripheral Autonomic Nervous System: Anatomy of ventricles of the brain, circulation of cerebrospinal fluid; Neural pathways and lesions of cutaneous sensations, hearing, and vision. Cranial nerves distribution and clinical significance.

Autonomic Nervous System: Components and clinical significance.

•Day 5: Embryology: Placenta and placental barrier; Development of heart, gut, kidney, uterus, ovary, testis, and congenital abnormalities.

> DAY 6-10: Human Physiology

•Day 6: Conduction and Transmission of Impulse: Mechanism of contraction, neuromuscular transmission, reflexes, control of equilibrium, posture, and muscle tone.

•Day 7: Physiology of Sleep and Consciousness: Descending pathways, functions of the cerebellum, basal ganglia.

•Day 8: Endocrine System: Mechanism of action of hormones; formation, secretion, transport, metabolism, function, and regulation of secretion of pancreas and pituitary gland.

•Day 9: Physiology of
Reproductive System: Pregnancy, menstrual cycle, lactation.
Blood: Development, regulation, and fate of blood cells.

•Day 10: Cardiovascular System: Cardiac output, blood pressure, regulation of cardiovascular functions.

> DAY 11-13: Biochemistry

•Day 11: Organ Function Tests: Liver, kidney, thyroid.

•Day 12: Protein Synthesis.
Vitamins and Minerals.

•Day 13: Genetic Testing: Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Radio-immunoassays (RIA).

> DAY 14-17: MICROBIOLOGY: Diseases and Diagnosis

•Day 14: Meningococcus, Salmonella, Shigella,

•Day 15: Herpes, Dengue, Polio, HIV/AIDS,

•Day 16: Malaria, E. Histolytica, Giardia,

•Day 17: Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus.
Immunity: Humoral and cell-mediated immunity

> DAY 18-20: Forensic medicine

•Day 18: Injuries, wounds, blood and seminal stains, Examination in rape case.

•Day 19: hanging, drowning, burns, Firearms.

•Day 20: DNA, and fingerprint study poisoning, sedative overdose.

> DAY 21-24: Pharmacology

•Day 21: Antipyretics, analgesics immunosuppressants, anticancer.

•Day 22: antibiotics, antimalaria, antikala-azar,

•Day 23: antiviral, antiparasitic, antifungal.

•Day 24: antidiabetics, antihypertensive, antidiuretics, general and cardiac vasodilators.

> DAY 25-28: Pathology

•Day 25: Inflammation and Repair, Disturbances of growth and cancer.

•Day 26: Pathogenesis and Histopathology: Rheumatic and ischaemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus,

•Day 27: Etiology and Pathogenesis: Cirrhosis liver, glomerulonephritis, tuberculosis, acute osteomyelitis.

•Day 28: bronchogenic carcinoma, carcinoma breast, oral cancer, cancer cervix, leukemia.

> DAY 29-30: Dermatology

•Day29: Psoriasis, Allergic dermatitis, scabies, eczema

•Day 30: vitiligo, Steven Johnson’s syndrome, Lichen Planus

> DAY 31-37: General Medicine

•Day 31: Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and principles of management (including prevention) of—Typhoid, Rabies, AIDS, Dengue, Kala-azar, Japanese Encephalitis.

•Day 32: Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and principles of management of Ischaemic heart disease, pulmonary embolism, Bronchial asthma.

•Day 33: Pleural effusion, tuberculosis, spleen, empyema.

•Day 34: Malabsorption syndromes; acid peptic diseases, Viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

•Day 35: Glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, renovascular hypertension

•Day 36: Diabetes mellitus, complications of diabetes mellitus, coagulation disorders, leukaemia, Hypo and hyperthyroidism

•Day 37: Meningitis and encephalitis,other neurological disorders and miscellaneous Infectious diseases (remaining)

> DAY 38-41: Pediatrics

•Day 38: Immunization, congenital cyanotic heart disease

•Day 39: respiratory distress syndrome, broncho – pneumonias, ARI

•Day 40: IMNCI classification and management, PEM grading and management.

•Day 41: Diarrhea of under five and management ,kernicterus, Baby friendly hospital, miscellaneous.

> DAY 42-43: Psychiatry

•Day 42: Anxiety and Depressive disorders

•Day 43: Psychosis and schizophrenia and ECT and advanced treatment strategies

> DAY 44: Medical Imaging

•Day 44: Imaging in medical problems, ultrasound, echocardiogram, CT scan, MRI

> DAY 45-49: Surgery/ortho

•Day 45:
– Clinical features, causes, diagnosis and principles of management of cleft palate, harelip.
– Laryngeal tumor, oral and esophageal tumors.
– Bleeding peptic ulcer, tuberculosis of bowel, ulcerative colitis, cancer stomach.
– Abscess, cancer, fibroadenoma and adenosis of breast

•Day 46: Peripheral arterial diseases, varicose veins, coarctation of aorta Haemothorax, stones of Gall bladder, Kidney, Ureter and Urinary Bladder.

•Day 47:
– Tumors of Thyroid, Adrenal Glands
– Renal mass, cancer Prostate..
– Splenomegaly,  cholecystitis, portal hypertension, liver abscess, peritonitis

•Day 48: Management of surgical conditions of Rectum, Anus and Anal canal, Gall bladder and Bile ducts carcinoma head of pancreas.

•Day 49: Fractures of spine, Colles’ fracture and bone tumors. Endoscopy Laprascopic Surgery Miscellaneous

> DAY 50-55: obstetrics/gynecology

•Day 50: Diagnosis of pregnancy Labour management, complications of 3rd stage

•Day 51: Antepartum and postpartum haemorrhage Management of abnormal life and difficult labour

•Day 52: Management of small for date or premature newborn Resuscitation of the newborn Diagnosis and management of anaemia Preeclampsia and Toxemia of pregnancy

•Day 53: Management of Postmenopausal Syndrome Pelvic pain Fibroid and prolapse of the uterus.

•Day 54: Intrauterine devices, pills, tubectomy and vasectomy Medical termination of pregnancy including legal aspects

•Day 55: Cancer cervix Leucorrhoea, infertility, dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), amenorrhoea Miscellaneous

> DAY 56-60: SPM

•Day 56: Principles, methods, approach and measurements of Epidemiology
Health management and administration: Techniques, Tools, Programme Implementation and Evaluation

•Day-57: Nutrition, nutritional diseases / disorders & Nutrition Programmes.
Management of hospital and industrial waste.

•Day 58: Health information Collection, Analysis and Presentation.
Critical appraisal of Health care delivery system.

Objectives, components and critical analysis of National programmes for control/eradication of:
HIV/AIDS, STDs and Dengue

•Day 59: Objectives, components and critical analysis of National programmes for control/eradication of:
Malaria, Kala-azar, Filaria and Tuberculosis,

•Day 60: Objective, Component, Goals and Status of Reproductive and Child Health, National Rural Health Mission and Millennium Development Goals , Sustainable development goals.

Fees : 

₹ 14,000/- (online)

₹ 16,000/- (offline)

For Registration & Admission please Click Here

Contact :
95550 98967 (Adesh sir)
84858 08986 (Gajanan sir)

Address : 53/4, 1st Floor, Near Hotel Madonna, Above Jiledar Book Store (entry from back side), Bada Bazar Road, Old Rajinder Nagar (ORN), New Delhi-110060.

Location Link : click here